02 November 2009

Error ID 33333: Data Access Layer rejected retry on SqlError

Got hit with this problem when I came in to look into the Operations console and suddenly no monitoring data collected ! Performance Data went blank ! Reports blank !

Push the Panic Button >-> Not Yet :)

As usual, the good old trusted Event Viewer will surely gives you something to look into if you bumped into problems with OpsMgr. Fair enough, I got hit by a series of the following error

Apparently it's my bad after all. I forgot to turn on agent proxying for this servers since they are DC's & Exchange Servers.

Thanks to an entry from the product team, it helped me solved my problem.


Basically, we need to turn on agent proxying for each of the DCs & Exchange Servers. To be safe, restart the Health Service ( aka System Center Management) on the agents. So far, my Event Viewer looks good and fingers crossed, hope that my monitoring data flows in as well ... gulp

(Oh yea, just checked a minute ago, they came in ... hurray ! I just love OpsMgr)