I have encountered this one for quite some time. It was back in November 2007 when I was preparing my lab on OpsMgr. My apologies for taking 5 months to share this out, but better late than never rite ?
When you install Audit Collection Services (ACS), the ACS service will not be able to start. The error that you will get:
Could not start the Operations Manager Audit Collection Service service on Local Computer.
To be honest, me being a temperamental person I went ballistic as this was my first time I played with ACS and I can't even start the service ! A quick search on good buddy Mr Google got me to a few forums where people faces similar problems as well
The ACSConfig.xml which resides in %systemroot%\System32\Security\AdtServer folder has the attributes of ReadOnly and since the ACS Service (in particular AdtServer.exe) cannot write on to this file hence the failure to start the service.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out right? Go to the folder where ACSConfig.xml file resides in (in case you missed it, kindly see the line in BOLD) and clear the ReadOnly attribute of that file and voila' ! ( Well at least it worked for me ... 5 months ago. hehe)
Microsoft Support site has this documented as well. Kindly see for details:
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